Meet one of a very Traditional and Charming Personality NIDHI G BAKSHI ji she is one of a very famous name in the world of Fashion Industry and a Regular Social Activist also a BA (Brand Ambassador) Of WEDZILLA GROUP. She is a very soft hearted person and always taking a Initiative to Inspiring people with her Lovely words.... Her speech is so delighting to watch because her voice having such a magical elements that puts more effects on each and every listener. She is a God gift and her each Initiative express her helping nature... she always ready to give her amazing hands for welfare of needy peoples... Infact its not easy to understand someone's nature but when you started to give your time to someone the you know what kind of nature someone has... and no doubt she is having such a beautiful nature which making her be the most preference persona... She is active in Social Media Platform where everyone easy to find her videos on all useful Topics....Even I also prefer her videos to watch because her video contains alot of useful elements through many of us able to understand the priority of Life..!!

She give her appearence as a Special Guest, & Special Jury in many Fashion Event and also invited as a Guest Of Honour in many programs organised by NGO'S and Other Organization that are working for completing the needs of those people who are not able to fullfill their needs.She is one of a very talented person who always spreads Happiness Vibes all over through her Elegant Voice, Her presence is enough to remove all Negative Thoughts and creating a good feeling of Happiness. She is a lady who is full of Positive Energy that makes her so Fit and the way she give her Contributions in each event that is so Admirable, All people should learn from her and be ready to help as much as possible.In her Busy Schedule she always take a time to post her message for all of her Fans.
                                            Her message having more elements that putting more effects with the help of Words which she Deliver in her Videos, She is a leading persona express her Graceful Idea with such a Blessed vibes.

Her Looks are so graceful and it glows her more charming vibes, and when she puts her Smile on her face then she is at her Fairy Creation. Many Elegant vibes express out from her so Graceful charm.. Her charm is so amazing which  making her so prettiest.
                        Her presence always creating a magical vibes on stage through many of us filled up with more energetic elements that beautifully expose a very new world which is full of glorious elements. She is a very human kind and all her actions express it genuinely, her actions and contributions inspire us to spread happiness all over and try to give a happy moments to everyone that gives some amount of Positive energy to them. People so glad to see her videos in which she discuss on all topics that must be required to understand the value of everything.

She is a greatest personality and its a honour for us to know about NIDHI G BAKSHI Ji and learn from her Social Works also she sets a great platform where we can build our own concepts that helps to decrease the level of Negative energy and the way she express her View or Opinion that is so related to the Right use of Thoughts that play a very useful role... She is the reason to put more extra effects on all elements which helping to add memorable moments in each Fashion Shows or Events...
                                            Her Speech delivering Capability is so Unique which nicely puts a effecient effects on each listeners, there is a very special flavour in each of her verbal elements that inspire people to focusing on the words which she is saying, her Journey is completely filled up of all kind of memories that makes her Strong,Inspiring & Motivational Personality.!!! Still lots of things to understand from her..Sending my blessings and wishes to her for keeping her Hardwork and having more memorable moments...!!! 

 Thanks for taking time to read this Article....!!!!!

KS SHYAM KUMAR ARAYA                                                                                                                        RESEARCHER & BLOGGER


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